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Current Issue : Volume 11

Special Article: Economic Development and Higher Education

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Kavita A. Sharma

Creating Desire for ‘Undesirables’ by subverting Means-End Chain

Purpose and meaning have always been fundamental to human and human institutions. In current times, “purpose” is actively researched by academic scholars and practiced by businesses. Purpose and values supersede product features or price in forming deeper connections with consumers by targeting emotional triggers. This paper, with its focus on alcohol beverage industry, studies how these brands target the innate need of humans to reach their terminal values or higher-order purpose in life to sell their products, consumption of which is associated with both health and social issues. Analysis of the selected alcohol beverage advertisements shows how marketers cleverly shift attention from the product attributes to consumers’ values, thus skipping the steps of Means-End chain. These personal values help in the attainment of one’s purpose (the reason for existence beyond oneself) ensuring satisfaction and contentment at an emotional level. In a category where brand preference is key, people’s motivation for selecting a particular brand they drink might be closely related to the underlying personal values.
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Kriti Chadha and Harsh V. Verma

E-commerce: A Gateway to Prosperity of Rural Youth in India

Mobile communications and advancement in information and communication technology has made a significant impact on socio economic culture of India. It has not only contributed to the growth of industries related to E-commerce but has also benefitted significantly, the end consumers with reduction in travel costs, delivery of better products at lower price, generation of job opportunities, and increase in market efficiency. The social benefits of mobile connectivity and E-commerce could be the reach and access to communication to rural India, stimulation of local content related to health, finance, education and agriculture. Mobile communications and E-commerce are very pertinent in this era as leads to a synergistic effect. Growth opportunities are generated to serve the rural masses and give a positive a flip to the economy. In fact, in the current parlance when we relook in the rural markets we find that it has a huge potential in terms of E-commerce in alignment with the Government policies and the outcome being synchronization with marketing and distribution network. In the current parlance it is tough to penetrate in the rural remote masses where there is no internet and a tough game to create a demand. Innovative logistics network is conceived by the rural E-commerce startups. Positive willingness to buy is created with E-commerce app to the customer buying groceries or medicines at chemist shops. To come up to the expectations of rural demand, E-commerce firms have to communicate with rural consumers in their local language to sell their products. Hence rural youth through training can create linkage in E-commerce transactions in rural India.
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S. P. Sharma and Neelam Tandon

The Union Budget 2020-21: A Mixed Bag of Cheers and Tears

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Anjali Tandon

An Empirical Investigation of the Volatility Spill-over and Asymmetries between Nifty Index and Rupee-Dollar Exchange Rate

The present study is an attempt to investigate the conditional volatility of returns of the two major segments of Indian financial markets viz. Re/$ Exchange Rate and Nifty Index Stock Index using GARCH (p,q) methodology. The period of the study has been taken to be April 2007-March 2017 and the data has been collected as monthly closing prices of the two variables, namely rupee dollar exchange rate and NSE Nifty. The analysis has been carried on first differenced (log transformed) prices. For studying the spill-over of volatility from a market to another, squared residuals (after standardization) from another market have been included as variance regressors. Further to find out whether or not there was any asymmetric returns of the markets under study, Threshold GARCH (T-GARCH) Model has been employed. The results of the study revealed the presence of conditional volatility of returns. The optimal model was identified as ARCH (1) when Re/$ Exchange Rate was the dependent variable while it was GARCH (1,1) when Nifty Index was taken as dependent variable. The bi-directional volatility spill-over (contemporaneous) was clearly evident by the two models and the same was captured by the variance regressors i.e. the standardized squared residuals. Further the results showed no sign of any asymmetry in volatility as reflected by the T-GARCH coefficients.
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Rakesh Shahani and Prateek Tomar

Analysis of Surveys on International Trade in Banking Services

This paper analyses the Annual Surveys on International Trade in Banking Services of the Reserve Bank of India for the period 2013-19. It compares performance across three different categories of banks namely, Indian Banks’ Branches Operating Abroad, Indian Banks’ Subsidiaries Operating Abroad and Foreign Banks’ Branches Operating in India. Using trend and percentage analysis, the paper portrays various parameters graphically. The analysis demonstrates that the Foreign Banks in India perform better than the Indian banks abroad. The paper suggests compliance with BASEL-III norms and prudential regulations along with better technological compliance for more competitive performance by the Indian counterparts in future.
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Kajleen Kaur, Aanchal Khanna, Bavleen Kaur, Disha Kapahi and Khushboo Madaan
Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation

Fiscal Decit and Ination in India and China: A Comparative Analysis

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Gurleen Kaur

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The Editorial Committee invites manuscripts on all aspects of commerce and economics relating to agriculture, industry, international trade, finance, laws, taxation, banking, marketing, management and economic policies having practical implications. For instructions, see guidelines for authors below. Any further enquiries should be directed to the Editor.

Guidelines to Authors

Journal of Business Thought, an annual refereed publication of Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce, invites original, exploratory, conceptual and empirical contributions having strategic policy implications on a broad spectrum of multi-disciplinary topics, such as corporate governance, economic policy, business policy, finance, marketing, international trade and finance, organisational behaviour, and management practices.

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  1. Manuscript should be around 5000 words, typed in 12-point sized font (Times New Roman) with 1.5 line spacing. Matter should be typed with 1.5 inch margins on all sides with all pages duly numbered. A soft copy of the manuscript in MS Word format should be submitted at
  2. The manuscript should follow the following order of presentation:
    • The first page of the article should contain the title of the article, the author's name, profile, address and contact numbers. In case of multiple authors, the cover page should indicate the author to whom correspondence should be sent.
    • The second page should include an abstract of maximum 100 words and keywords (up to six) along with JEL classification. The text of the article must begin from page three. The references, strictly written in Vancouver format (refer point 3 below) should follow on the next page after the article. The appendices should be clearly numbered and specified on separate pages after the references. Too many heading/sub-headings must be avoided. These are to be used only to designate major sections of the articles. Each table, figure or illustration should have a number and title. It should be referred to in the body of the text at appropriate places. The source of the same must also be specified below it.
  3. Journal of Buisness Thought follows the Vancouver style of referencing.
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    • The number originally assigned to a reference should be re-used if that reference is cited again later in the text.
    • In case of multiple references, separate the numbers with a hyphen. E.g. 2-5, and commas in case of non-inclusive numbers. E.g. 3, 9, 14.
    • As a general rule, reference numbers should be placed outside of full-stops and commas, and inside of colons and semicolons.
    • E.g. Hoppert M. Microscopic techniques in biotechnology. Weinheim:Wiley-VCH; 2003. Gillespie NC, Lewis RJ, Pearn JH, Bourke ATC, Holmes MJ, Bourke JB, et al. Ciguatera in Australia: occurrence, clinical features, pathophysiology and management. Med J Aust. 1986;145:584-90.

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    • Elements of the Citation: Author(s) - Family name and initials. Title of article. Title of journal - abbreviated. Publication year, month, day (month & day only if available); volume(issue):pages. E.g. 10. Halpern HD, Yadav GA, Caplan KL. Treatment of human brucellosis: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ. 2005 Mar 24; 336(7646):701-4.

    d. Referencing Books
    • Elements of the Citation: Author(s) - Family name and initials, Multiple authors separated by a comma. Title of book. Place of Publication: Publisher Name; Year of Publication. E.g. McKenna DJ, Jones K, Hughes K. Social care practice in rural communities. New York: Oxford University Press; 2000

    e. For Edited Books
    • Elements of the Citation: Author(s) - Family name and initials, Multiple authors separated by a comma. In name of book editors followed by a comma and editors. Title of book. Edition of book if later than 1st ed. Place of Publication: Publisher Name; Year of Publication. E.g. Rowlands TE, Haine LS. Acute limb ischaemia. In: Donnelly R, London NJM, editors. ABC of arterial and venous disease. 2nd ed. West Sussex. Blackwell Publishing; 2009.
  4. Papers should not have been simultaneously submitted for publication to any other journal, magazine or newspaper. A declaration about the same should be given in the format of the 'Declaration Form' that can be downloaded from the college website. The signed declaration form should be sent to the editor at the college address (mentioned on website) or its scanned copy can be emailed by the author/s at
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