
The college is continuously striving to make students tech savvy and professionally qualified to become market ready. The additional information is provided through industry -academia interface, group discussions, guest lectures, industry visits, and training sessions. The hands on courses, in addition to the main courses, are offered by the college to enhance the opportunities of honing the skills of the students. A number of Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) are signed by authorities every year with institutions of higher learning, foreign Universities, Professional training Institutes and computer training Institutes, etc. A brief summary is depicted here for recent agreements, collaborations and eminent speakers who visited the college.

MOA with Western Connecticut State University, United States

The Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce (SGGSCC), University of Delhi and Western Connecticut State University, Danbury Connecticut, United States signifies a pivotal step towards fostering collaboration and academic exchange. Established on January 26, 2024; the MOA outlines key areas of cooperation, including discussions on joint initiatives, proposal development for external funding, and exploration of opportunities for idea exchange. Additionally, both institutions aim to enhance academic development through joint conferences and seminars while ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and intellectual property rights. This partnership not only facilitates mutual learning and enrichment but also aligns with the broader mission of promoting international collaboration and academic excellence. The MOA serves as a testament to the commitment of both institutions towards fostering a dynamic and globally engaged academic community.

MOA with PMMMNMTT, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi

SGGSCC and Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching Ministry of Education, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to conduct an online short-term programme on Artificial Intelligence in Education from 29th March – 4th April 2024 and an online one-week FDP program on Open-Source Tools in September, 2023. The programs were organised for teaching faculty of University of Delhi.